Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Success and Fails from the Past, Full Scale Team

Kevin Maligaya
Fall 2016/Spring 2017
Full Scale Track Team

After viewing the progress from the August 10, 2016 Civil Environmental Engineering Team, I was able to really understand and flesh out what they were trying to do with their aspect on the Spartan Superway. There are all kinds of information that's useful for people trying to pickup where they left off, like my team. Their main purpose as a team was to try and figure out the best way to get from the main SJSU campus, to the South SJSU campus. Their main problem was the already existing infrastructure - freeways. Interstate-280 is right in the middle of these two destinations. This is a huge problem because we don't want to spend so much money trying to extend the Spartan Superway up-and-above the already existing freeway. This team's goal was to specifically tackle this challenge, which was all documented in the pdf that they've left behind. Although there are many useful information, some adjustments could be made to help someone new to start off smoothly from where the summer civil engineering team has left off.

There are many inconsistent 2-D CAD drawings throughout this pdf. Although they're there to help illustrate what they're envisioning, it sometimes becomes unbearable to look at because of its inconsistency and flat 2-D figures. These inconsistencies include having CAD files with either white backgrounds or black backgrounds - having this fixed to either white or black instead of both would have made the presentation of their ideas much smoother to focus on. One can easily tell that the CAD files with black backgrounds have more experienced engineers than the plain CAD files with white backgrounds. Also, with CAD files, the different colors and lines comes out better when the background is darker, like black. Also, some of the CAD pictures include title blocks, while the others do not. This is a small thing, however it is apparent to viewers like myself and is portrays a very inconsistent flow throughout the pdf. Also, since, most of the figures are in 2-D, perhaps dedicating some time to create a 3-D version of their vision would help the viewers really see what they're trying to do - like an overall plan, with the Spartan Superway. Also, refining more of their plans into much more concrete evidence and documentation would really help propel the Spartan Superway and its progress. This is where my team should be able to pick up where they left off and continue working on this problem and much much more.

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